Running the Sunday Shadows

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#26 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Josh »

"Any fool can pull a trigger. I put the shooter where they need to be when they need to be there."

Finley "Whisker" Daniels
Elven Rigger
Age 31
Ht 6'4 Wt 215

Body 2
Agility 2
Reaction 6
Strength 2
Willpower 2
Logic 4
Intuition 4
Charisma 3
(Attribute priority C, 16 points allocated.)
Edge 1 (5 pts Karma)

Perceptive X 2 (10 pts)
Analytical mind (5)
Gearhead (11)
Juryrigger (10)
Photographic Memory (6)
(42 pts advantages)

Blind (15)
Corporate SIN- Lone Star (25)
Bad Rep (Lone Star hit team) (7)
(47 pts disadvantages)

Armorer 4
Electronic Warfare 5
Etiquette 3 (used 6 karma)
First Aid 2 (used 4 karma)
Gunnery 4
Leadership 4 (used 8 karma)
Navigation 2
Perception 5
Pilot aircraft 4
Pilot Walker 3
Pilot ground craft 4
Sneaking 5

Skill group Engineering 5
Aeronautics Mechanic 5
Automotive Mechanic 5
Industrial Mechanic 5
Nautical Mechanic 5

Knowledge Skills
Combat Tactics 5
Small Unit Tactics 5
Security Tactics 5
Fashion 2
Security Companies 3

Skill priority B, 36 pts/5 Groups

Finn Daniels grew up in the Austin Lone Star Enclave, the child of corporate employees. Blessed with excellent reflexes and a gifted mind, he was selected for advanced security training in school, quickly demonstrating an aptitude for rigging. Selected for a pilot program for combat coordinators, he was one of the few students to prove out and be deployed, his training focusing more on developing the most complete picture of the action and vectoring task units into positions of maximum effectiveness. Around the nucleus of this concept Lone Star developed Tac 27, a rapid response team tasked with taking down the most dangerous threats, ranging from paranormals to high-end runner teams throughout the various plexes that had taken Lone Star contracts. Tac 27 quickly racked up an excellent record and a correspondingly high body count, developing a certain level of infamy among runners in the areas they operated.

They met their match, though, in the Lawrence brothers. A pair of dwarf runners, targeted by Tac 27, managed to turn the tables, luring the team into a deep pursuit into forbidden territory. A gas round bearing an experimental nerve agent struck Finn's vehicle, disabling him and blinding control. Cut off from central control and blundering about near a Renraku facility, the quickly-summoned Red Samurai carved through Tac 27, leaving no survivors. Docwagon extracted Finn and were able resuscitate him, albeit not before irreversible damage was done to his eyes.

Given the gray nature of the operation, Tac 27's operation was officially disavowed. The sole survivor was cut loose, though not subjected to any disciplinary action. Finn is now alone in a hostile world, with a name and past that carries a lot of bad weight. But the heat burns for vengeance, and he intends to some day even the score with the Lawrences.

Haven't finished spending karma (got 7 points there), assigning contacts (9 more points there) or even begun to wade through my gear selection (priority A), but I'll edit that in later as I get to it.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
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#27 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Cynical Cat »

Elves start with a point of Edge so you don't have to spend 5 Karma to get Edge 1.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#28 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Josh »


Will fold that back in then and find neat stuffs to do.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
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#29 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by frigidmagi »

Possible contacts to give y'all ideas.

Nichoki “Scales” Ekel: A weapons dealer who settled in Seattle after a 20 year career bringing weapons to those who could pay for them. He still keeps his hand in, smuggling weapons to various places in North America. He picked up his nickname when Haley's Comet caused him to change into a more... reptilian form. He's also known for hiring orcs and trolls for a lot of his staff, he owns a couple of apartment buildings that he keeps a good part of his security force and their families. While living in the top 3 floors of his best apartment building.

Betty McCain: Betty is a reporter. She got her start on gossip columns but fought her way over to the big leagues. She likes to write about Shadowruns as she loves the thrill. She deals mostly in information but she can do some favors for you if you bring her something interesting. If you bring her on a Shadowrun, she'll be willing to do a lot of favors, but she'll be writing about your run. Consider that carefully.

Detective Bart “Trigger” Jones: Jones is a cop, a sort of corrupt cop. He's not gonna over look a major crime but loves to squeeze clearly wealthy people for lesser violations of the law. He hates corps, gangs, Non Americans (American Orcs are fine, but Tir Elves or Human Indians are not), magical types and more. He's got mixed feelings on Shadowrunner, on the one hand you stick it to people he hates. On the other hand, you tend to be people he hates. If you stick to not fucking with Lonestar or the city government, he can be convinced to help out with information, “lost”evidence, introductions and so on, but you're gonna pay for priviledge.

Hiro: Hiro is a Talismonger and magician. He runs a nice little shop where you can find all sorts of legal magical goods. In the back of the store by appointment you can find all the illegal magical goods (well within limits, he won't deal in blood or toxic magic for example). He also knows a large number of mages and researchers. He has a hatred for the Yazuka for reasons he doesn't share.

Blueman Mike: Mike is the owner and head bartender of the White Oak. The White Oak is a bar popular with Mr. Johnsons, some Shadowrunners and posers of all sorts. The White Oak is known for having really good private rooms... Long as you pay for them to be private. Given the drinks he serves rumors run riot that he has some sort of magical ability. There are even rumors that he was a runner in the day.

Serena Dame: A popular elf DJ who does all sorts of underground clubshows. Word is she is in deep with the mob. She has a really brutal feud going on with an Ork Rapper, rumor is she turned him down and he took it personal.

Bigman James: A troll underground fighter. Currently the leading fighter with 47 knockouts and 13 kills. He's been invited to a lot of upper class party as local flavor and he's learned to pick up all sorts of things there. He's getting close to Troll Middle Age and is putting in work to feather his nest if you will. He also trains people in hand to hand and weapon skills for a fee.

Doinali: An Ork Fixer and one of the best in the business. He's very demanding of respect, but he's got a rep for having work for any runner whose head isn't buried up his ass. He fought his way out of the slums, sometimes over the dead bodies of the people trying to stuff him back in.

Pixel: A Decker, he only meets people in cyberspace or in text chats. He'll be happy to do some work for you but he'll never be there physically.
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#30 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by rhoenix »

== Info ==
Street Name: Ranger
Name: Michael Meviello
Movement: 12/24
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Species: Human
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 6
Lift/Carry: 8 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 7

== Priorities ==
Metatype: E - Human
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: B - Adept, Magician, or Technomancer
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: D - 50,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
AGI: 6
REA: 5 (8)
STR: 4
CHA: 3
INT: 3
LOG: 3
WIL: 4
EDG: 2
MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6
Initiative: 11 + 3d6
Rigger Initiative: 12 + 3d6
Astral Initiative: 8 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative: 12 + 3d6
Matrix Cold Initiative: 4 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative: 4 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10

== Limits ==
Physical: 7
Mental: 5
Social: 5
Astral: 5

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling (cha) : 0 Pool: 1
Archery (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Armorer (log) : 0 Pool: 2
Automatics (agi) : 6 [Assault Rifles] Pool: 12 (14)
Blades (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Clubs (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Computer (log) : 0 Pool: 2
Con (cha) : 0 Pool: 1
Cybercombat (log) : 0 Pool: 2
Demolitions (log) : 0 Pool: 2
Disguise (int) : 0 Pool: 3
Diving (bod) : 0 Pool: 3
Escape Artist (agi) : 2 Pool: 8
Etiquette (cha) : 2 Pool: 5
First Aid (log) : 2 Pool: 5
Forgery (log) : 0 Pool: 2
Free-Fall (bod) : 0 Pool: 3
Gunnery (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Gymnastics (agi) : 4 Pool: 9
Hacking (log) : 0 Pool: 2
Heavy Weapons (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Impersonation (cha) : 0 Pool: 1
Instruction (cha) : 0 Pool: 1
Intimidation (cha) : 0 Pool: 1
Leadership (cha) : 2 Pool: 5
Longarms (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Navigation (int) : 0 Pool: 3
Negotiation (cha) : 3 Pool: 6
Perception (int) : 4 Pool: 3
Performance (cha) : 0 Pool: 1
Pilot Ground Craft (rea) : 0 Pool: 7
Pilot Watercraft (rea) : 0 Pool: 7
Pistols (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Running (str) : 2 Pool: 6
Sneaking (agi) : 4 Pool: 9
Survival (wil) : 2 Pool: 6
Swimming (str) : 2 Pool: 6
Throwing Weapons (agi) : 0 Pool: 5
Tracking (int) : 2 Pool: 5
Unarmed Combat (agi) : 6 Pool: 12

== Knowledge Skills ==
Combat Tactics : 2 Pool: 5
English : N Pool: 0
Modern Firearms : 4 Pool: 7
Japanese : 4 Pool: 8
Sperethiel : 4 Pool: 8

== Contacts ==
Art - ork fence - kinda dirty, but always has bad jokes - (Loyalty 1, Capacity 2)
Melvin - troll arms dealer - kind of friends based on mutual love of automatics - (Loyalty 1, Capacity 2)

== Qualities ==
Quick Healer

== Powers ==
Attribute Boost (AGI) Rating: 4 (roll MAG+Attribute Boost, each hit raises AGI by 1)
Improved Physical Attribute (REA) Rating: 1
Improved Reflexes 2
Killing Hands
Mystic Armor Rating: 2

== Lifestyles ==
Small uncomfortable studio apartment (low lifestyle) - paid for 3 months

== Armor ==
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit 9
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit: Helmet 2

== Weapons ==
Ares Alpha
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 12 (14) Accuracy: 5(7) DV: 11P AP: -2 RC: 4 (with regular ammo)
Pool: 12 (14) Accuracy: 5(7) DV: 11S AP: -7 RC: 4 (with Stick-n-Shock ammo)
Pool: 12 (14) Accuracy: 5(7) DV: 11P AP: -6 RC: 4 (with APDS)

Unarmed Attack
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 7 DV: 4P AP: - RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Transys Avalon (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 6, FWL: 6)

== Gear ==
Climbing Gear
Contacts Rating 3
- Smartlink
- Vision Enhancement Rating 3
- Low Light

DocWagon Contract, Basic
Fake SIN (Matthias Corvin) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Brian Edwards) Rating 2
Lockpick Set
Medkit Rating 3
- Medkit Supplies
Rapelling Gloves

== Vehicles ==
Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike)
+Sensor Array Rating 2

== Nuyen ==
-320 (20 shots of Stick n Shock ammo)
-2400 (200 shot of APDS ammo)
-10500 (accounting fix)
self cash total: 36320
expense acct: 3350

== XP / Karma ==
+2 xp (game 1)
2 xp (total)
+2 xp (game 2)
4 xp (total)
+2xp (game 3)
6 xp (total)
+10xp (game 5 xp)
16 xp (total)
+2xp (game 6 xp)
18xp (total)
- 6xp (increase skill Gymnastics from 2 to 3, takes 3 weeks)
- 6xp (increase skill Sneaking from 2 to 3, takes 3 weeks)
6xp (total)
+10xp (game 7&8 reward)
- 8xp (increase skill Gymnastics from 3 to 4, takes 4 weeks)
- 8xp (increase skill Sneaking from 3 to 4, takes 4 weeks)
+3xp (game 9 reward)
3xp (total)
+3xp (game 10 reward)
6xp (total)
+8xp (game 11 reward)
14xp (total)
Last edited by rhoenix on Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:02 am, edited 24 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#31 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Hotfoot »

== Info ==
Street Name: Prospero
Name: William Peterson
Movement: 6/12
Karma: 6
Total Karma: 34
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Male Age 23
Height 5'9" Weight 165
Composure: 10
Judge Intentions: 10
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 11
Nuyen: 37,875
Expense Nuyen: 1,950

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: B - Adept, Magician, or Technomancer
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: E - 6,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 3
REA: 3
STR: 2
CHA: 5
INT: 5
LOG: 6
WIL: 5
EDG: 3
RES: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6
Initiative: 8 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative: 8 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:
Matrix AR Initiative: 8 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative: 5 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative: 5 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10 : 0
Stun Damage Track: 11 : 1

== Limits ==
Physical: 4
Mental: 8
Social: 7
Astral: 8

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling : 0 Pool: 4
Archery : 0 Pool: 2
Armorer : 0 Pool: 5
Automatics : 0 Pool: 2
Blades : 0 Pool: 2
Clubs : 0 Pool: 2
Compiling : 6 Pool: 12
Computer : 5 Pool: 11
Con : 1 Pool: 6
Cybercombat : 2 Pool: 8
Decompiling : 2 Pool: 8
Demolitions : 0 Pool: 5
Disguise : 0 Pool: 4
Diving : 0 Pool: 2
Electronic Warfare : 2 Pool: 8
Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 2
Etiquette : 1 Pool: 6
First Aid : 0 Pool: 5
Forgery : 0 Pool: 5
Free-Fall : 0 Pool: 2
Gunnery : 0 Pool: 2
Gymnastics : 0 Pool: 2
Hacking : 2 Pool: 8
Hardware : 4 Pool: 10
Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 2
Impersonation : 0 Pool: 4
Instruction : 0 Pool: 4
Intimidation : 1 Pool: 6
Leadership : 0 Pool: 4
Longarms : 0 Pool: 2
Navigation : 0 Pool: 4
Negotiation : 2 Pool: 7
Perception : 1 Pool: 6
Performance : 0 Pool: 4
Pilot Ground Craft : 0 Pool: 2
Pilot Watercraft : 0 Pool: 2
Pistols : 3 Pool: 6
Registering : 6 Pool: 12
Running : 0 Pool: 1
Sneaking : 0 Pool: 2
Software : 4 Pool: 10
Survival : 0 Pool: 4
Swimming : 0 Pool: 1
Throwing Weapons : 0 Pool: 2
Tracking : 0 Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat : 0 Pool: 2

== Knowledge Skills ==
Architecture : 2 Pool: 8
Area Knowledge: Seattle : 2 Pool: 7
Bars and Clubs : 2 Pool: 7
Cuisine : 2 Pool: 8
Data Havens : 2 Pool: 7
Fashion : 2 Pool: 7
Japanese : 1 Pool: 6
Matrix Games : 2 Pool: 7
Security Companies : 3 Pool: 9
Shadow Community : 3 Pool: 8
Sperethiel : 1 Pool: 6

== Contacts ==

Betty McCain Seattle Reporter C1 L1
An elven reporter with small bylines in the local matrix new networks in her Mid-20’s. Prefers payment in information or leads on interesting stories. Has a taste for higher fashion, which may or may not be how she met Prospero in the first place.

Marilyn Donovan Seattle Fixer C4 L4
A human Fixer in her early 40’s, Marilyn prefers payment by way of credstick, and has an affectation for quality entertainment, particularly harder to find movies and music from the last century, especially anything lost from the last big Matrix crash. Prospero first met her with a copy of a rare film, long thought lost to the net. That was the beginning of a fine working relationship.

Jimmy McArdle Seattle Beat Cop C1 L1
An Ork Beat Cop in his early 30’s, Jimmy prefers to barter favors for favors on the idea that it keeps him clean, or at least cleaner than the jackasses that take payoffs. The way he sees it, he’s just negotiating ways to keep the peace on his beat. If he gets a nice collar or two from it, or maybe just some gratis meals every now and then, hey, it’s worth it. Of course, if you get him a drink or twelve, you have a better negotiating position, but that’s not a problem for you unless he’s had a bad day.

Ripperdoc Seattle Street Doc C1 L2
A dwarf in his early 50’s, Ripperdoc is an odd duck who has been in the business for a while now. Word was he used to be a runner, but has since settled down. Sort of. He’ll take payment in credstick, but if you really want to get his attention, you’ll haul in some piece of tech he can polish off and maybe resell.

== Qualities ==
Quick Healer (-3 Karma)
Speed Reader (-2 Karma)
Focused Concentration 2 (-4 Karma) (8 Karma)
Born Rich (-5 Karma)
Distinctive Style (+5 Karma)
Creature of Comfort (+10 Karma)


== Commlink ==
Living Persona (ATT: 5, SLZ: 5, DP: 6, FWL: 5)

== Complex Forms ==
Static Veil: FV: L-1 Software + Resonance [Level] Threshold 1 (public) 2 (other grids) Overwatch does not increase due to time while sustained.
Resonance Veil: FV: L-1 Software + Resonance [Level] v. Intuition + Data Processing
Diffusion of Firewall (4): FV: L+1 Software + Resonance [Level] v. Willpower + Firewall Net Hits reduce target’s firewall.
Infusion of Firewall (4): FV: L+1 Software + Resonance [Level] Level must be equal to or greater than attribute being affected, each hit increases Firewall by one.
Cleaner (4): FV L+1 Software + Resonance [Level], each hit lowers overwatch score by 1
Editor (4): FV: L+2 Software + Resonance [Level] v. Intuition + Data Processing, as Editing Action
FAQ (4): FV: L Computer + Intuition + 1/2 Level [Level] v. Intuition, Obscure data needing 6 hits
Static Bomb (4): FV: L+2 Software + Resonance [Level] v. Intuition + Data Processing against all targets that have spotted you. Each target you beat loses you.
Resonance Spike (4): FV: L Software + Resonance [Level] v. Willpower + Firewall, each net hit creates 1 Matrix Damage that cannot be resisted.
Puppeteer (4): FV: L+4 Software + Resonance [Level] v. Willpower + Firewall, 1 for Free Action, 2 for Simple, 3 for Complex, etc.

== Sprites ==
Registered 6/6:
Gustave (Data Sprite L6: 6Tasks/6 Remaining)
Motoko (Machine Spirit L6 9 Tasks/6 Remaining)
Wesley (Machine Sprite L6 6 Tasks/5 Remaining) Whisker’s Drone Rig (6 Dice)
Batou (Fault Spirit L6 11 Tasks/9 Remaining)
Kobayashi (Crack Sprite L6 8 Tasks/8 Remaining)
Renee (Courier Sprite L6 6 Tasks/6 Remaining)

== Equipment ==

Savalette Guardian Acc 5(7) Dam 8P AP -1 Mode SA/BF RC 1(4) Ammo 12 Cost" 870
Smartlink 0
Imaging Scope 200
Gas Vent 3 600
Regular Ammo (60) 120
APDS (30) 360
Spare Clips (3) 15
Stick and Shock (60) 480

Fichetti Tiffani Needler Acc 5 Dam 8P(f) AP +5 Ammo 4 Cost 1000
20 Shots Flechette 130
Spare Clip 5

Fichetti-Defiance Defender Cost 5 (6) 7S(e) AP –5 ROF SA — Ammo 3(m) 300
30 shots Taser 150

Armante Suit Armor 8 2500
^- Concealable Holster 150

Synergist Business Line Armor 9 1500 Capacity 5
Synergist Business Line Longcoat Armor 10/+3 2300 Capacity 6

Hermes Ikon (rating 5) Form Factor 3600

Glasses (R4) 400
Flare Compensation 250
Smartlink 2000
Thermographic 500
Vision Magnification 250

Fake License (R3) 600
Silver Credstick (20,000) 20
Fake License (R1) 200
Standard Credstick (5,000) 5

Datasoft 120
Mapsoft 100
Shopsoft (Groceries) 150

White Noise Generator R6 300
Trid Projector 200
Form-Factor Fairlight Caliban R7 10,000
Data Tap 300

Sleeping Tiger Armor Armor 13, Capacity 10, Availability 10 13,500
Features: Custom Fit, Holster, Newest Model, Ruthenium Polymer Coating (R3)
Thermal Dampening R4 (2,000) 10R (Cap4)
Fresnel Fabric R4 (4,000) 14R (Cap2)
Respirator R6 (300) - (Cap2)
Bug Scanner R6 (600) 6R (Cap2)

Total Cost: 20,400

Executive Suite Armor 12 Capacity 4 Availability 12 2,000
White Noise Generator R6 (300) 6 (Cap2)
Trid Projector (200) - (Cap2)

Total Cost: 2,500

Concealable Holster (200) 2

Lifestyle (Medium) (Difficult to Find) 5500
Grid Subscription (Free)
Soy Processing Unit (Free)
Swimming Pool (Free)
Zen Den (Free)

Group Expense Account:
9 Silver Credsticks

Group Planning Pad
Rent: 10,000 per month (Rented with R4 SIN)

Comfort 4
Security 4
Neighborhood 4 [5]

Garage (Ground: Body 5 or greater) x 2
Soy Processing Unit
Difficult to Find
Last edited by Hotfoot on Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:00 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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#32 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Josh »

Need a cost ruling.

I want to buy two special shop drones, they would be another couple of rotodrones with modular armatures for maintenance work, so they could swap from blow torches to fine manipulators, etc. The drones themselves are 5k each, would the armatures and associated equipment run me about say two or three thou?

E: Jesus the rigger rules are in dire need of patching. Whenthefuck's the rigger book coming out?
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
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#33 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Josh »

Sweet Mother Of Fuck did I pick the most obtuse and fiddly class. Can't wait to see what a glorious clusterfuck this is in action.

Finley "Whisker" Daniels
Elven Rigger
Age 31
Ht 6'4 Wt 215

Body 2
Agility 2
Reaction 6
Strength 2
Willpower 2
Logic 4 (6) (Cerebral Booster)
Intuition 4
Charisma 3
(Attribute priority C, 16 points allocated.)
Edge 2

Perceptive X 2 (10 pts)
Analytical mind (5)
Gearhead (11)
Juryrigger (10)
Photographic Memory (6)
(42 pts advantages)

Blind (15)
Corporate SIN- Lone Star (25)
Bad Rep (Lone Star hit team) (7)
(47 pts disadvantages)

Armorer 4
Electronic Warfare 5
Etiquette 3 (6 pts karma)
First Aid 2 (4 pts karma)
Gunnery 5
Leadership 4 (8 pts karma)
Navigation 2
Perception 5
Pilot Aircraft 4
Pilot Walker 4
Pilot Ground craft 4
Sneaking 5

Skill Group Engineering 5
Aeronautics Mechanic (5)
Automotive Mechanic (5)
Industrial Mechanic (5)
Nautical Mechanic (5)

Knowledge skills
Combat tactics 5
Small unit tactics 5
Security tactics 5
Fashion 2
Security companies 3
Finance 4 (8 pts karma)
Hardware 1

Sperethiel 2 (4 pts Karma)

Mental Limit 6
Physical Limit 4
Social Limit 4

Skill priority B, 36 pts/5 Groups

Gear Oh God

Middle class lifestyle with drone workshop- 6,000 monthly
Control Rig lvl 2 (Essence 2) Cost 97,000
Cerebral Booster lvl 2 (Essence .4) Cost 63,000
Mnemonic Enhancer lvl 2 (Essence .2) Cost 18,000
Docwagon Gold

Erika Elite w/sim module

Proteus Poseidon Rigger Console 68,000
Device Rating 5 Data processing 6 Firewall 6 6 dice added to use of rig and +1 from Wesley the Machine Sprite which is totally not a demonic spirit summoned from the netherworld.

Programs: Encryption, Signal Scrub, Virtual Machine, Biofeedback Filter, Shell, Sneak, Guard
Total cost 1750

Clearsight lvl 6 cost 3000
Stealth- Lockheed Optic X-2 lvl 6 cost 3000
Stealth- Kanmushi, Microskimmer, MCT Fly Spy, Horizon Eye Spy lvl 4 Total cost 8,000
Evasion- Kanmushi, Microskimmer, Horizon Eye Spy, MCT Fly Spy, Lockheed Optic-X2, MCT Roto Drone Lvl 6 Total Cost 18,000
Weapons Targeting Ares Thunderstruck, Cavalier Crockett, Stoner Ares M202, Shiawase Arms Incinerator, Armtech MGL-12 Lvl 5 Total cost 10,000

Shiawase KanmushiX10 Cost 10,000
S-B MicroskimmersX10 Cost 10,000
Horizon Eye Spy with smoke/flashbang loadX4 Cost 10,000
MCT Fly SpyX5 Cost 10,000
Lockheed Optic-X2 Cost 21,000
MCT Nissan Roto Drone X 5 25,000

2 Armante armor suits total cost 5,000

Kanmushi Surveillance Bugs X4
Surveillance Bug
Visual Mag
Laser Mic
Omni-directional Mic
Low light
Vision enhancement
Flare comp

Kanmushi Jammer BugsX2
Surveillance Bug
Visual Mag
Laser Mic
Omni-directional Mic
Low light
Flare comp

Kanmushi Security Bugs X4
Cyberware Scanner
MAD scanner
Omni mike
Motion Sensor
Olfactory scanner
Radio signal scanner
Geiger counter

4 Microskimmers have the security bug sensor package
2 Microskimmers have the jammer package
2 Fly Spies have the jammer package

All other drones have the same sensor package as the surveillance bug

Weapons loadouts
Lockheed Optic- Cavalier Crockett w/silencer total cost 10,800

MCT Drone Ares Thunderstruck Cost 26,000
MCT Drone Stoner-Ares M202 7,000
MCT Drone Shiawase Arms Incinerator, Armtech MGL12 Total Cost 15,000
2X MCT Drones with repair assemblies Cost 2,000?

10X Frag
10X Thermal/Smoke Total cost 2600
20X Stick-n-shock

Handling 4 Speed 2 Accel 1 Bod 0 Armor 0 Pilot 3 Sensor 3
Microskimmer Handling 3 Speed 2 Accel 1 Bod 0 Armor 0 Pilot 3 Sensor 3
Horizon Flying Eye Handling 4 Speed 3 Accel 2 Bod 1 Pilot 3 Sensor 3
MCT Fly Spy Handling 4 Speed 3 Accel 2 Bod 1 Armor 0 Pilot 3 Sensor 3
Lockheed Optic-X2 Handling 4 Speed 4 Accel 3 Armor 2 Pilot 3 Sensor 3
MCT-Nissan Roto Drone Handling 4 Speed 4 Accel 2 Bod 4 Armor 4 Pilot 3 Sensor 3

Ares Thunderstruck Acc 7(8) DV 15P AP -8 Mode SA RC (1) Ammo 10(c)+Energy,
Stoner-Ares M202 Acc 5 DV 10P AP -3 Mode FA RC (0) Ammo 50(c)100(b)
Shiawase Incinerator Acc 4 DV 12P AP -6 Mode SS RC (0) Ammo 6(c)
ArmTech MGL-12 Acc 4 DV Grenade Mode SA RC(0) Ammo 12(c)
Cavalier Crockett Acc 6 DV 12P AP -3 SA BF RC(1) Ammo 20(c)

Armante Suit
Armor 8 Capacity 4

Initative 10+1d6
Matrix VR Initiative (Cold Sim) 6+3D6
Matrix VR Initiative (Hot Sim) 6+4D6
Mental Limit 6
Physical Limit 4
Social Limit 4

Duncan in the rig: 4D6 to all control rolls, +1 limit

Physical Condition: 9
Stun 9
Overflow 2

Contact: Bart "Trigger" Jones Lvl 3 Loyalty 6

Nuyen 52,480

+5350k on the expense account

Investments as follows:

8,000 in the stock market
10,000 in rent (two months advance as of conclusion of the Talispoint job.)
6,600 in fallback crash pad (low lifestyle, extra secure, special workspace: garage)
3,000 "personal expenses"
5,000 banked for taxes
16 Karma

Obviously Whisker here needs work, and fast.

E: Also, some background tweaks. Whisker's third gen Lone Star, and the fact that his parents both died in the service is why he got mustered out with his retirement bennies after the Great FUBAR rather than being de-cybered and dumped in seg.

E2: Tweaked the drone sensor packages.

E3: Added the values for the Crockett sniper rifle that I forgot to stat.

E19: Added crash pad, added Hardware skill at 1, bumped Pilot Ground Craft to 4.

E2something: Raised Business Management skill to 3.

Edit 31: Attempting to purchase a new Lockheed Optic-X2 stealth drone (availability 10) and HK Urban combat SMG availability 16F.

Statline for HK as follows: Acc 7 (9) AP 0 DV 8P Mode SA/BF/FA RC 2 Ammo 36(c) Cost 2,300.

Purchase on hold until Garvin finishes translating 4th ed Rigger book.

Edit 32: Purchasing Fairlight Caliban commlink.
Last edited by Josh on Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:02 am, edited 38 times in total.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
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#34 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Karrick »

Alrighty, here's my rough sheet out of Chummer5. It's missing contacts and probably a host of other things because there are so many things. I am plenty open to suggestions.

== Info ==
Street Name: Blender
Name: Itsuki Murakawa
Movement: 18/36
Karma: 9
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Elf F Age 34
Height 5'9" Weight 155
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 6
Lift/Carry: 10 (90 kg/60 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 66590, 3145 in mission expense account

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: B - 20 Attributes
Special: E - Mundane
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: A - 450,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
AGI: 7 (9)
REA: 5 (7)
STR: 4 (6)
CHA: 3
INT: 3
LOG: 3
WIL: 3
EDG: 3

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 0.7
Initiative: 10 + 3d6
Rigger Initiative: 10 + 3d6
Astral Initiative:
Matrix AR Initiative: 10 + 3d6
Matrix Cold Initiative: 3 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative: 3 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10

== Limits ==
Physical: 8
Mental: 4
Social: 4
Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for intimidation, Must be visible)
Astral: 4

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling : 0 Pool: 2
Archery : 0 Pool: 8
Armorer : 0 Pool: 2
Automatics : 6 Pool: 15
Blades : 3 Pool: 12
Clubs : 0 Pool: 8
Computer : 0 Pool: 2
Con : 0 Pool: 2
Cybercombat : 2 Pool: 5
Demolitions : 3 Pool: 6
Disguise : 0 Pool: 2
Diving : 1 Pool: 5
Electronic Warfare : 2 Pool: 5
Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 8
Etiquette : 1 Pool: 4
Exotic Melee Weapon : 6 [Monofilament Whip] Pool: 15
First Aid : 0 Pool: 2
Forgery : 0 Pool: 2
Free-Fall : 0 Pool: 3
Gunnery : 0 Pool: 8
Gymnastics : 3 Pool: 13
Hacking : 2 Pool: 5
Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 8
Impersonation : 0 Pool: 2
Instruction : 0 Pool: 2
Intimidation : 0 Pool: 2
Leadership : 0 Pool: 2
Lockpicking : 1 Pool: 10
Longarms : 0 Pool: 8
Navigation : 0 Pool: 2
Negotiation : 0 Pool: 2
Perception : 3 Pool: 6
Performance : 0 Pool: 2
Pilot Ground Craft : 0 Pool: 6
Pilot Watercraft : 0 Pool: 6
Pistols : 3 Pool: 12
Running : 3 Pool: 9
Sneaking : 4 Pool: 15
Survival : 0 Pool: 2
Swimming : 0 Pool: 5
Throwing Weapons : 0 Pool: 8
Tracking : 0 Pool: 2
Unarmed Combat : 1 Pool: 10

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Seattle : 1 Pool: 4
Combat Tactics : 4 Pool: 7
English : N Pool: 0
Japanese : 4 Pool: 7
Security Design : 4 Pool: 7
Security Tactics : 4 Pool: 7
Sperethiel : 1 Pool: 4

== Contacts ==
Smitty T. Ripper Seattle Fixer C3 L2 (CHA 5, Negotiation 5 according to Frigid)
Ramona Graham Street Doc C2 L2
Ryan Sheridan Smuggler C1 L1

== Qualities ==
Low-Light Vision
SINner (Corporate) (Mitsuhama)

== Lifestyles ==
Medium 2 months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Cyberears Rating 3
+Sound Link
+Balance Augmenter
+Spatial Recognizer
+Audio Enhancement Rating 2
Enhanced Articulation (Gymnastics)
Fingertip Compartment
Fingertip Compartment
Muscle Augmentation Rating 2
Muscle Toner Rating 2
Skilljack Rating 1
Wired Reflexes Rating 2

== Armor ==
Actioneer Business Clothes 8
+Nonconductivity Rating 1
+Concealed Holster
Ballistic Mask 2
+Erika Elite
+Flare Compensation
+Gas Mask
+Vision Enhancement Rating 2
+Vision Magnification
Chameleon Suit 9
Forearm Guards 1
Form-Fitting Body Armor 8
+Custom Fit
+Thermal Damping 3
Lined Coat 9
+Concealed Holster
+Nonconductivity Rating 1

== Weapons ==
Ares Light Fire 75
+Silencer, Ares Light Fire 70
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 8 DV: 6P AP: - RC: 3
Cougar Fineblade: Long
+Quick-Draw Holster
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 6 DV: 9P AP: -1 RC: 3
Grapple Gun
Pool: 0 Accuracy: 3 DV: 7S AP: -2 RC: 3
Ingram Smartgun X (own 2)
+Quick-Draw Holster
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Sound Suppressor
Pool: 15 Accuracy: 6 DV: 8P AP: - RC: 5
Yamaha Raiden
+Gas-Vent 3 System
+Shock Pad
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Sound Suppressor
Pool: 15 Accuracy: 8 DV: 11P AP: -2 RC: 9

Monofilament Whip
Pool: 15 Accuracy: 5 DV: 12P AP: -8 RC: 3
Monofilament Whip
Pool: 15 Accuracy: 5 DV: 12P AP: -8 RC: 3
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 8 Accuracy: 8 DV: 6S AP: - RC: 3

== Commlink ==
Fairlight Caliban (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 7, FWL: 7)
Erika Elite (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 4, FWL: 4)
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1) x4
Erika Elite (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 4, FWL: 4) (ballistic mask)

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Submachine Guns) x88
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Submachine Guns) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Submachine Guns) x60
Ammo: Regular (Assault Rifles) x360
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Assault Rifles) x120
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifles) x60
Autopicker Rating 1
Bug Scanner Rating 1
Certified Credstick, Standard x4
Climbing Gear
Data Tap
DocWagon Contract, Basic
Fake License (Automatic Weapons License) Rating 4
Fake License (Driver's License) Rating 4
Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Ailien Renalds) Rating 4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Grapple Gun
Jammer, Area Rating 1
Jammer, Directional Rating 1
Maglock Passkey Rating 1
Miniwelder Fuel Canister
Restraint, Plastic x10
Sequencer Rating 1
Spare Clip (Ingram Smartgun X) x8
Stealth Rope (100m)
Tag Eraser
White Noise Generator Rating 1

== Vehicles ==
Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike)
+Sensor Array Rating 2

== Background ==
Itsuki gained her skills (and chrome) as an off-the-books wetworker for a member of senior management at the Takai Development Corp (a subsidiary of Mitsuhama). The severing of that relationship was mutual - she was beginning to chafe under her handlers' stringent requirements and they were becoming concerned with her propensity to enjoy make the wetwork wetter and enjoy doing so a bit too much. Her handlers cut her loose just before they lost their positions to a round of managerial backstabbing. Some of them might still be alive, but it doesn't bother Itsuki one way or the other.

== Concept ==
Mono-whip wielding cyber-ninja

Karma pool: 9
Last edited by Karrick on Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:07 am, edited 20 times in total.
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#35 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Cynical Cat »

Just a reminder that it is Shadowrun this Sunday, I will not be chasing you to make a character, and I will not accept last minute additions. If any of this isn't to your liking, blame Hotfoot.
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#36 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

I will have to come in for the second session (or whenever I can be incorporated), as a certain dinosaur related film is being seen sunday with Russell, and he has work and offspring so his scheduling is tighter than mine.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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#37 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by frigidmagi »

I will also not be attending Sunday.
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#38 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by rhoenix »

I'll be there on Sunday, even if it's just a practice game. I need practice with the system now anyway.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#39 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Josh »

Practice game might be good. I'm kind of getting a feel for the system. Maybe we could one-shot kamikaze our characters, only to wake up.

"Oh thank god, it was all just a dream."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
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#40 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Josh »

Tweaked my sensor packages slightly to add some offensive EW capacity.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
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#41 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Karrick »

So I'm trying to figure out how Chummer works contacts because I see negative numbers showing up when I try to increase things. With a charisma of 3 I should have 9 points to distribute, right? With 2 extra karma I could pull off a contact list that looks like:
Fixer C3, L2
Street Doc C1, L1
something else C2, L2
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#42 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Hotfoot »

So I just realized I overspent Karma on cash, so I'm going back to respend.

Okay, picked up "Born Rich" to allow me to overspend Karma on Cash, then got "Distinctive Style" to pay for it. Because I ALWAYS look good.

As for the in-character justification for "Born Rich"?
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#43 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Marcao »

== Info ==
Street Name: Sobek
Name: David Hural
Movement: 10/20
Karma Total: 34
Karma Used: 28
Karma Available: 14
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 7
Judge Intentions: 9
Lift/Carry: 7 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 74,250
Nuyen: 8,800 expense account (gold)

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D - Human or Elf
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: E - Mundane
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: B - 275,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3 (5)
AGI: 5
REA: 6 (10)
STR: 4
CHA: 4
INT: 5
LOG: 3
WIL: 3
EDG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 1.88
Initiative: 15 + 2d6
Rigger Initiative: 15 + 2d6
Astral Initiative:
Matrix AR Initiative: 15 + 2d6
Matrix Cold Initiative: 5 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative: 5 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10

== Limits ==
Physical: 7
Mental: 5
Social: 5
Astral: 5

Baseline: 15d6
Cover: 17d6
Dodge: 22d6 [-5 Initiative]
Full Defense: 18d6 to all attacks for turn [-10 initiative]

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling: 0/3
Archery: 0/4
Armorer: 0/2
Automatics: 6/11
Blades: 3/8
Clubs: 0/4
Computer: 0/2
Con: 2/6
Cybercombat: 0/2
Demolitions: 0/2
Disguise: 0/4
Diving: 0/2
Escape Artist: 0/4
Etiquette: 3/7
First Aid: 0/2
Forgery: 0/2
Free-Fall: 0/2
Gunnery: 0/4
Gymnastics: 2/7
Hacking: 0/2
Heavy Weapons: 3/8
Impersonation: 0/3
Instruction: 0/3
Intimidation: 2/6
Leadership: 1/5
Locksmith: 3/8
Longarms: 2/7
Navigation: 0/4
Negotiation: 2/6
Perception: 3/8
Performance: 1/5
Pilot Ground Craft: 2/12
Pilot Watercraft: 0/9
Pistols: 0/4
Running: 2/6
Sneaking: 2/7
Survival: 1/4
Swimming: 2/6
Throwing Weapons: 2/7
Tracking: 1/6
Unarmed Combat: 2/7

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Seattle: 2/7
Bars and Clubs: 1/6
Combat Tactics: 2/5
Firearms: 3/6
Gangs: 1/6
Italian: 2/7
Mafia: 3/8
Small Unit Tactics: 1/6
Sperethiel: 1/6

== Contacts ==
Alfonso D`Onofrio [Mafia Consiglieri] (5, 3)
James Terriel [Armorer] (2, 2)

== Qualities ==
Allergy (Uncommon, Mild) (Silver)
Code of Honor (Omerta)
Dependent (Nuisance)
Quick Healer

== Lifestyles ==
Backup 2 months (Bolthole)
Primary Residence 2 months (Medium)

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Bone Lacing (Aluminum) [Alphaware]
Cybereyes Basic System Rating 2 [Alphaware]
-Low Light
-Flare Compensation
-Image Link
Datajack [Alphaware]
Orthoskin Rating 3 [Alphaware]
Platelet Factories [Alphaware]
Reaction Enhancers Rating 3 [Alphaware]
Wired Reflexes Rating 1 [Alphaware]

== Armor ==
Armor Clothing 6
+ Nonconductivity (3)

Armor Jacket 12
+ Nonconductivity (3)

Full Body Armor 15
+ Nonconductivity (6)
+ Chemical Seal
+ Thermal Damping (2)

Full Body Armor: Helmet 3
+ Chemical Seal
+ Thermal Damping (2)

Berwick Suit 9
+ Nonconductivity (6)

Argentum Coat 12/+4

Chamelon Suit
+ Nonconductivity (6)
+ Thermal Damping (4)
+ Shock Frills

== Weapons ==
Ares Alpha
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Sound Suppressor
+Gas-Vent 2 System, Internal
+Airburst Link
Pool: 11 Accuracy: 7 DV: 11P AP: -2 RC: 4

Ares Crusader II
+Gas-Vent 2 System
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Sound Suppressor
Pool: 11 Accuracy: 7 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 4

Ares SIGMA 3
+Folding Stock
+Slide Mount
+Gas-Vent 2 System
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Sound Suppressor
Pool: 11 Accuracy: 6 DV: 8P AP: - RC: 5

Cougar Fineblade: Short
Pool: 8 Accuracy: 6 DV: 6P AP: -1 RC: 2

Unarmed Attack
Pool: 7 Accuracy: 7 DV: 6P AP: - RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Transys Avalon (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 6, FWL: 6) (Gun, Cybernetics, equipment such as earbuds and autopicker)
Sony Emperor (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 2, FWL: 2) x2

== Vehicles ==
Hyundai Shin-Hyung (Sport Sedan)
+Sensor Array Rating 2

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Machine Pistols) x400
Ammo: APDS (Submachine Guns) x400
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) x420
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) x80
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Submachine Guns) x80
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifle) x84
Ammo: High Explosive Grenades x6 (16P / -2 AP / Blast: 2M)
Ammo: Flashbang Grenades x6 (10S / -4 AP / Blast: 10M)
Ammo: Fragmentation x6 (18p (f) / +5 AP / Blast: 1M)
Fake License (Firearms License) Rating 5
Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 5
Fake License (Restricted Cyberware License) Rating 5
Fake License (Restricted Bioware License) Rating 5
Fake SIN (Sobek) Rating 5
Fake SIN (John Doe) Rating 2 x3
Fake License (John Doe) Rating 2 x6
AR Gloves, Glasses (Vision Enhancement 3, Visual Magnification) , Subvocal Mic and Earbuds Rating 3 (Audio Enhancement 2, Select Sound Filter 1).
Data Tap, Tag Eraser, 10 standard tags, 10 datachips.
10 standard certified credsticks, ¥100 of mixed Cram, Bliss, Novacoke and Zen.
Rating 3 Medkit, 3 rating 6 Stimpatches, Trauma patch. Mini-welder.
2 Flashbangs, 4 Gas Grenades with Neurostun VIII, Thermite Burning Bar x4.
Backpack, concealed quick draw holster and Ballistic Mask.
Lockpick Set, Autopicker (Rating 6), Maglock Passkey (Rating 4), Sequencer (Rating 3), Rebreather (6), Gas Mask.
Grapple Gun, 200 meters of Stealth Rope, Catalyst Stick.

--Karma Use--
Con 0 -> 1: 2 Karma
Con 1 -> 2: 4 Karma
Locksmith 2 -> 3: 6 Karma
Pilot (Ground) 1 -> 2: 4 Karma
Negotiation 0 -> 1: 2 Karma
Negotiation 1 -> 2: 4 Karma
Heavy Weapons 2 -> 3: 6 Karma

Mission Rewards
Run 1: 50K
Run 2: 37.5K
Last edited by Marcao on Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:02 am, edited 61 times in total.
The Peddler of Half Truths.
"Not OP, therefore weakest." - Cynical Cat (May 2016)
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#44 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Hotfoot »

Josh, you may want to look into that van you were thinking about.
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#45 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Cynical Cat »

Marcao I see a lot of impossibly high skill ratings. Change please or, if they're somehow boosted to those levels, distinguish between their ratings and the boost.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#46 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Marcao »

Cynical Cat wrote:Marcao I see a lot of impossibly high skill ratings. Change please or, if they're somehow boosted to those levels, distinguish between their ratings and the boost.
Issues should be fixed. :smile:
The Peddler of Half Truths.
"Not OP, therefore weakest." - Cynical Cat (May 2016)
"A dog doesn’t need to show his teeth as long as his growl’s deep enough, his food bowl is full and he knows where all the bones are buried." - Frank Underwood
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#47 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by frigidmagi »

Okay let's see how I do here right?

Street Name: Tobin
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 6ft even
Weight: 180pds
NuYen: 67,300

A: MAGIC! Magic 6, 2 rating 5 magic skills, 10 spells, (If you're a mage I tend to believe go big or go cyber)
B: Attributes 20 pts (In game attributes are expensive, especially for us mage types so best to pump them now)
C: Skills 28pts 2pts skill group
D: Money 50,000 (I wanted some stuff and didn't want to spend karma for money)
E: Human, 1pt (Magic maxed out, no Res, Edge starts at 2...)

Attributes: (you automatically have 1 in every stat, useful that)
Body: 2
Agi: 3
React: 3
Str: 2
Willpo: 5
Logic 5
Int: 4
Cha: 4

Karma: 37
Current Mission Karma: 3

(We see here that Tobin might want to look into jogging and pushups, but all that book reading has done nice things for his mental stats, he's decent at interacting with people as well. As a magic user you're specialized, you can fight that but it's gonna hurt your effectiveness so best to roll with it)

Derived Attributes
Magic: 6
Essence: 6
Edge: 3 (humans start with 2 edge, good times!)
Init: 7+1d6
Astral Init: 8+2d6
Physical Damage: 9
Stun Damage: 10

Physical limit: 3 (Ow! only 3 hits count. This mechanic really can turn the screws on you.)
Mental limit: 6
Social limit: 6

Skills (attribute/skill/points in skill/any karma spent)
(Magic) Spellcasting: 5
(Magic) Counterspelling: 3
(Magic) Ritual Spellcasting: 2
(Magic) Banishing: 5
(Magic) Summoning: 3
(Magic) Binding: 3 (6 Karma)
(Magic) Alchemy: 2 (6 Karma)
(Magic) Disenchanting 2 (6 Karma)
(Magic) Artificing 2 (6 Karma)
(Willpo) Astral Combat: 3
(Cha) Etiqutte: 3
(Cha) Negotiation: 3
(Cha) Instruction: 1
(Agi) Pistol: 3
(Agi) Blades: 3
(Init) Perception: 3

Skill Group

(Agi) Sleath- disguise, palm, sneak: 2

(I spent alot of Karma on the extra magic skills, which is something of an experiment on part and may come back to bite me, but that's the nature of 1st games with a new edition. An additional note, the skills here also reflect alot of Tobin not necessarily what is the best mix for a mage, Tobin is not sold on the whole depend on spirits thing and has some qualms so he's much better at sending them home then pulling them in. He's also not a fan of ritual spellcasting.)

Knowledge skills:
(Logic) Magic Theory: 3
(Logic) Magic threats: 2
(Logic) Parazoology: 2
(Logic) North American Politics: 2
(Logic) Corporate Politics: 2 (2 Karma)
(Logic) North American History: 2
(Int) Gang ID Seattle: 2
(Int) Fixers Seattle: 2
(Int) Modern Rock Music: 3 (3 Karma)

English: N
Japanese: 3

Night Blind: All Light/glare penalties 1 category worse +6 Karma
Allergy: Uncommon (antibiotics) Moderate -4 to all physical tests +10 Karma


Talismonger Hiro 3/2
Fixer Doinali 3/2
Ganger Rip Til 1/1


Type: M
Range: Los
Damage: Physical
Duration: Instant
Drain: F-3 (against willpower)

Type: P
Range: Los
Damage: Physical
Duration: Instant
Drain: F-3

Type: M
Range: Los
Damage: Stun
Duration: Instant
Drain: Force

Type: M
Range: Touch (each hit, one box damage healed)
Duration: Permanent
Drain: Force-4

Antidote (5 Karma)
Type: M
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Drain: Force-3

Increase Reflexes
Type: Physical
Range: Touch
Duration: Sustained
Drain: Force

Every hit +1 Init, every +2 hits +1 dice to Init

Improved Invisibility
Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustain
Drain: Force-1

Physical Mask
Type: Physical
Range: Touch
Duration: Sustained
Drain: Force-1

Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustained
Drain: Force-2

Chaotic World (5 karma)
Type: M
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Drain: Force-3

Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustained
Drain: Force-2

1 hit = +1 Armor

Physical Barrier
Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Duration: Sustained
Drain: Force-1



Survival Knife__5__________Str+2P_-1___NA____NA___________100
*Ares Predator__5(7)_________8P___-1___SA____15c____5R____725

*Smart link wireless +1 dice pool, +2 ACC 1450

Ammo____Damage Mod___AP Mod___Avail___Cost
Hollow pt____+1__________+2______4F_____210 (30)
Explosive____+ 1_________-1_______9F_____240 (30)
Regular__________________________2R_____120 (60)


Name___________Armor Rate____Avail____Cost
Armor Clothing_____6____________2______1500
Armor Jacket_____12____________2______1000

5 clothing______500
1 fancy clothing_250
goggles (6)_____300 (total 4075)
1: Smartlink 2000
2: Imagelink 25
3: Flare Comp 250
4: low light 500
5: Vision Mag (2) 1000 add 2 to vision tests
Respirator (6) add 6 against gas (500)
Survival Kit____200
5 trauma patches_2500
5 tranq patches (6)_600
Renraku Sensei Comlink (3) 1000
300 reagents

Magic Lodge Force 6 (3000)

Fake Sin R5 (7500)
Spellcasting license R6 (1200)
Doc Wagon Basic Package 5000
2 months Middle lifestyle
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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#48 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Ok. Here we go.

Name: Eric Stadler (Alias, DocGnosis. Looking for suggestions, I am horrible at naming things)
Height: 1.9 meters, Weight:70kg
Eyes: Green, Hair: Brown, Skin: Caucasian
Qualities: Magician, SINner (+5 Karma to spend)

Judge Intentions: 7
Memory: 11, Composure:8
Resist Drain:11
Physical Damage 10
Stun Damage 11
Armor 11
Spell Defense
Initiative: 7+1d6
Astral Initiative 8+2d6
Current Karma:9
Spent Karma:5(Stunball), 8(Assensing) 8(binding)
Total Karma:29
Current Drain:0

Strength:2 (10 Karma spent. He worked long and hard to bring his gangly self to something that looks well built enough he does not have to manaball street toughs who think he is easy prey while bringing home groceries)

Physical 4
Mental 7
Social 6
Astral 7

Alchemy 1,7(2 Karma)
Arcana 3, 9
Artificing 1,7(2 Karma)
Assensing 4, 8
Astral Combat 4, 9
Automatics 2, 5
Banishing 3, 9
Binding 5,11
Counterspelling 6, 12
Perception 3,7 (Gear applies:)
Ritual Spellcasting 1, 7 (2 Karma)
Sneaking 2,5 (6 Karma)
Spellcasting 6,12
Summoning 5, 11
Swimming 1, 3 (2 Karma)

Still Group: Influence 2, 5
Etiquette, Leadership, Negotiation

Knowledge Skills
Area Knowledge: Seattle
Magical Threats 2,8
Magical Theory 5,11
Literature 1,7
Parazoology 2,8
Spirits 2,8
Underworld 1,5
History 1,7

English (N)
Sperethiel 3,7

Acid Stream
Ball Lightning
Powerbolt (5 Karma)
Combat Sense
Hot Potato
Physical Mask
Mana Barrier
Physical Barrier

Low 1 months in advance. Cost 2000
Bolt Hole at Squatter lifestyle 2 month (obscure). Cost 1100
Magic Lodge Force 6. Cost 3000

-Lined Coat (Rating 9). Cost 4900
-Fire Resistance-4 Non-Conductive-4
Helmet (Because your head is important, yo) rating 2. Cost 100

Ares Crusader II. Cost 830
-Internal Smartgun (Free with Weapon)
-Gas Vent System 2 (Free with Weapon)
Combat Knife. Cost 300
2 spare clips. Cost 10
A box of 500 rounds. Cost 1000
A smaller box of 200 Stick-n-Shock rounds. Cost 1600
Quick Draw Holster. Cost 175

Other Gear
Basic DocWagon contract. Cost 5000
Goggles. Rating 4. Cost 3200
-Vision Mag 1. Cost 250
-Smartlink. Cost 2000
-Low Light. Cost 500
-Flare Compensation. Cost 250
Survival Kit. Cost 200
Climbing Gear. Cost 200
Earbud (rating 1). Cost 550
-Audio Enhancement. Cost 500

ID, Creds, and Licensing
1 Legit SIN
1 fake Rating 4 SIN (Cost 10000), Criminal Alter Ego
1 fake Rating 4 SIN (Cost 10000), "Legitimate" Alter Ego
2 Fake Mage Licenses. Rating 4, 3 (Attached to his "Legitimate" alter ego, and the criminal one. Has a real one too, but I dont know how to represent that). Cost 1600
2 Fake Automatic Weapons Licenses. Rating 4,3 (attached also to his "legitimate" alter ego, and the criminal one). Cost 1600

Communications and Electronics
Subvocal microphone. Cost 50
Datasoft Rating 2 Cost 120
Mapsoft Rating 2. Cost 100
2 Erika Elite Commlinks. Cost 5000 (Again, Identity Redundancy)

Steve-Fence-Pawn Shop-1,1
-Booker is a bit obsessive. He enjoys what he does a bit too much and views the monetary transaction to be a means to an end.
Alice-Fixer-Coffee Shop-,3,2

Total NuYen Remaining:
1 Karma spent on Nuyen, Total of 52000. Spent 51665. 335 remaining (starting cash: 540). 30 Karma, 30 Spent, 300 spent on car 35+540 remaining
47250 from last run
-2000 for Stunball
Total 95625
Reagent purchase: 8000
Total Remaining: 87625
Expense Account:11125-1600
Reagents depleted.
400 reagent drams available from purchase

Original Priorities
A (magic)

Currently Bound: F4 fire spirit, 8 services owed.

Loot: 20 kilos of nova coke
soundproofed rooms rigged for BTL Sex and Torture
DIY Cybercenter
Supply Room: Buckets of human parts
45k in cash
fully kitted cyberdeck (Hermes Chariot)
BTL recording equipment
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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#49 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by frigidmagi »

Ben did you get a smartlink installed on your weapon?
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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#50 Re: Running the Sunday Shadows

Post by Hotfoot »

Will sadly be a bit late, my apologies. Current Eta will be 9pm.
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