I've had a few PMs with Kreshna and Jon that I will repost here to get things started.
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote: Well I think the problem is continuity, especially the Phoenix War part 2 where both Lord Adam and Darth Kreshna died.
Shall we just ignore that one and start over again from the Phoenix War 1? You'll need to contact Jon too, by the way. Anyway, I'm thinking about Babylon Five post Shadow War, so it'll be more like the earlier part of Phoenix War I. So it will be more about various governments and the tension between them, while Darth Kreshna (in the same position as John Sheridan) will suffer the headache of keeping the peace.
The summary looks like we are going to through Ra Goes on a Killing Spree out of the continuity, picking up at some point after PW I.Ra wrote:Indeed, it had its good moments, and your portrayal of the Lord and Lady was excellent. Keeping it character driven, over and above the plot at all times, is what we have to do to make this new STGOD work, and keep vigilant about it, so we don't fall into the plot-driven holes that killed the last two STGOD's.Destructionator XV wrote:There were some things I did like about RGOAKS, especially how I was playing myself. I write my characters not as simply part of the plot, but as characters who were having to deal with the plot around them, wether they liked it or not. It felt much more natural to me anyhow, pretty much writing them the way they are in my head.
Agreed.Aye, and of course some minor characters would be fine (such as I introduced Sir Hoisler and Professor Mathias of the A'millian Empire, who did little more than random guest specialists would on TOS).
I'm not really sure we should even focus on a plot to get going. Perhaps just writing some random stuff about our characters would be better, letting a plot develop from there.
Awesome how you had the whole damn thing worked out. Too bad it was never able to grow to fruition. I'll certainly work on a loose framework for my side of the new STGOD's plot, such as why Galadriel is back from Valinor (the RGOAKS explanation was that there was no explanation), and maybe some political scheming that could go on between the Goa'uld and... say, the Empire or even the A'millians.Yeah, this would probably work, though having at least a loose framework of where we want to go would be a good thing.
In RGOAKS, I had a final goal in mind the whole time: some tragic fall of Lord Adam. When I first started, I was going to have him replaced by a mirror universe doppleganger, which is why he was so cold and late in the first few posts. But then I ended up making a rational defence for his actions, and it turned out quite a bit more interesting.
However, I don't feel I adequately wrote it in the end, and him being slain really forced any continunity from that in one direction, though that one direction does have some potential.
In my ending for this (which I never posted), it would have ended something like this (barring DXM answers)
The Lady realizes he was right, or more accuratly, that time has run out, and she has no choice, and proceeds to carry out his plan: orbital bombardment of the planet's major population centers. This would get Nyar-whatever's attention; most his bittorrent seeds are being disconnected if you will.
Now, one or two things would happen:
He would move in to attack the bombarder to save his worshippers, at which point he is blown to hell by beefed up Starship weapons, or if needed the multi gigaton bomb carried on the ship. At the cost of billions of innocents, mission accomplished.
Or: he would be angry that his worshippers are being blasted, and summon his magical energy to strike back, resulting in the mass destruction of the Star Empire: the view from the TARDIS they saw ends up being a self fulfilling prophecy. Game over. Any continuation down this path would end up being a Battlestar Galactica situation: the final survivors from the empire flee, with the Lady on the verge of madness: everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong.
But I could never decide how shitty I wanted to make the situation.
Hell, here's a plot idea... maybe Ra could be up to real dirty tricks, like trying to acquire his own Dark Jedi and investing a lot in other Force-related things after the Phoenix War ended. He could also (along with KAN's X-filesish "Organization") be researching on recovered Guardian technology, trying to overcome the problems of it driving its users mad. So you've got these reverse-engineered Goa'uld/Guardian hybrid ships with bioarmor and other enhancements. Ra was always an antihero type in the Phoenix War, he should stay that way.
LOL! That's so random and crazy it might just work.Perhaps the Lord and Lady tried their hand at writing some fiction about themselves, and the new one begins with them putting down the pen of DOOM (tm).And as for continuity, think of RGOAKS like you think of Predator II or Batman & Robin; it never happened.*gives stamp of approval*
Exactly! Not unlike how the nBSG Cylons were handled, I guess. Half the time the Fleet is facing its own problems and issues, and its own fight for survival, rather than just making pretty explosions.That has some potential.Half-joking here, but if you want a plot... what if it was an alternate-universe scenario? Your recent post on the BC versus Carrier inspried me a bit... what if it was a Zerg invasion?Maybe LadyTevar could DM the Queen of Blades?
One big advantage the Zerg would have as an enemy is they would be beatable. With the other threats, we kept making them more and more powerful, so not even the SW Empire could take them down conventionally. This has the obvious problem of forcing us into DXM solutions (man, it is like Stargate SG-1. Let's search for another ancient plot device!) With Zerg, defeating them militarily would not the the real problem in the end (phasers would eat them alive): it would be dealing with the consequences, dealing with internal character conflict, which IMO makes for a more interesting story than just fleet buildups and attacks.
I couldn't have said it better myself. The character drama within SC had me on the edge of my seat, quite a unique experience for a strategy game.Starcraft single player wasn't awesome because of mineral mining and unit massing. It was awesome because of Mengsk, Raynor, Aldaris, Tassadar, and Kerrigan, and never knowing how they will end up interacting.
Oh, that's awesome. We could have all kinds of wierd stuff, like what if the Stargate was never discovered in Giza, so Colonel O'Niell never killed Ra in the movie? Would he still have his huge space empire, and how would the Goa'uld had handled the Guardians, if they appeared at all? Or what if Galadriel had taken the One Ring, becoming the evil dark queen she prophesied of? Or on the Wars end, we could even see time travel back to the days of the Old Republic. The possibilities here are limitless.I'm also tempted to suggest mirror universe (either controlled by evil like in Star Trek or just different, like in the Stargate quantum mirror episodes) or time travel at some point, just to give us an excuse to write out people and settings in such a different way. Time travel might be fun seeing how different our settings would look 1000 years past or future. Anything 1000 years or more in the A'millian empire would put them pre holocaust, and things were very different back them. And also, would Lord Adam want to try to change history while there?
Mirror universe and time travel might be fun to explore for a short time, but I don't think we should focus much on it in the overall story arc. Just something to change stuff up temporarily down the line.
But no, it should certainly not become the focus of the story, just some brief detours during slower phases of the game to add excitement and depth to it.
Indeed... I think we should go with the Phoenix War having happened, with the new game's events happening soon afterward, but if you feel otherwise, just say so.But, I kinda like the idea of using the Zerg, and if the whole thing takes place in some alt universe, we just have to decide on what is canon for this universe and what is not (such as, did the Guardian war happen in this universe?) and we are good to go.